"Phrases" { "服务器并未开放该功能" { "en" "The server does not support this function" } "用法" { "en" "Usage" } "命令" { "en" "Command" } "请先输入!addbot创建电脑" { "en" "Please enter !addbot first to create a bot" } "加载完毕" { "en" "has finished loading" } "Server was started from lobby" { "en" "Server was started from lobby" } "LeftXDead can not start because mp_gamemode is locked" { "en" "LeftXDead can not start because mp_gamemode is locked" } "Usage: type '!l8d_enable' in chat" { "en" "Usage: type '!l8d_enable' in chat" } "激活完毕" { "en" "Activation Completed" } "模式选择" { "en" "Mode Selection" } "合作模式" { "en" "Cooperation Mode" } "生存模式" { "en" "Survival Mode" } "毫不留情" { "en" "No Mercy" } "死亡机场" { "en" "Dead Air" } "死亡丧钟" { "en" "Death Toll" } "血腥收获" { "en" "Blood Harvest" } "随机" { "en" "Random" } "投票决定" { "en" "Vote To Decide" } "地图投票选择" { "en" "Map Voting Selection" } "修改" { "en" "MOD" } "玩家数上限被强制增加" { "en" "The upper limit of bots is forcibly increased" } "提示" { "#format" "{1:i}{2:i}{3:s}" "en" "\x01[Hint:] Upper limit of bots [{1}] Active players [{2}] Current version [{3}]\x03" } "秒后BOT将会被创建,请等待" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "The BOT will be created in {1} seconds, please wait..." } "服务器额定玩家数量已到达" { "#format" "{1:i}{2:i}" "en" "\x01[SM] The bot limit [{1}] on the server has reached the upper limit of the current active players [{2}]. Only the administrator can force an increase in the upper limit by using !wind.\x03" } "BOT 被成功创建,加入请输入!joingame" { "en" "BOT was successfully created, please enter !joingame to join" } "创建BOT失败,设置名字异常" { "en" "Failed to create BOT. Set name exception" } "创建BOT失败,服务器已全满" { "en" "Failed to create BOT. The server is full" } "给BOT装备失败" { "en" "Failed to equip the BOT" } "无法继续创建BOT" { "en" "Unable to continue creating a BOT" } "帮助" { "en" "\x01[SM] Help: How many zombies do you want?. (Magnification of 30. Parameters from: 1 ~ 7)" } "帮助2" { "en" "\x01 : Too many zombies will cause LAG, the recommended value is not greater than 3." } "多重物品激活完毕" { "en" "multiple items are activated" } }