"Phrases" { "PlayerStartedVote" { "#format" "{1:N}{2:s}" "en" "{1} starts a vote to change to {2} map:" "es" "{1} inicia una votación para cambiar al mapa {2}:" } "MapDoesNotExist" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Map {1} does not exist" "es" "Mapa {1} no existe" } "MatchModeMenuTitle" { "en" "Match Map Menu" "es" "Menú Mapa Match" } "NoConfigsFound" { "en" "No configs for such map were found" "es" "No encontraron configuraciones para tal mapa" } "SpectatorNotAllowedToVote" { "en" "Match voting isn't allowed for spectators" "es" "No permite la votación del match para los espectadores" } "ChangeTheModeQuestion" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{1}" "es" "{1}" } "MatchVoteCannotStart" { "en" "Match vote cannot be started now" "es" "Votación del match no puede iniciar ahora" } "ChangeModeAfterSeconds" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "Changing map after {1} seconds" "es" "Cambio de mapa después de {1} segundos" } "MatchVoteCommandHint" { "en" "Use !matchmapvote if you accidentely close the vote menu" "es" "Usar !matchmapvote si cierra accidentalmente el menú de votación" } "MatchVoteCommandAlreadyVoted" { "en" "You have already voted" "es" "Tú ya has votado" } "VoteFailed" { "en" "Vote Failed" "es" "Voto Fallido" } "MatchVoteMapChangeCaution" { "en" "Caution! If you do not have the map installed, you will be disconnected once the map changes" "es" "¡Precaución! Si no tiene el mapa instalado, usted desconectará vez mapa cambie" } "MatchVoteMapChangeBlackScreen" { "en" "Note! On SourceMod map changes the screen will go black, but the game is actually loading.\nIf you believe it has froze, press ~ until console shows up and type: disconnect" "es" "¡Nota! Mapa cambios de SourceMod causar pantalla negra, pero el juego está cargando.\nSi juego congelado, presiona '~' hasta que aparezca la console y escribe: disconnect" } }