ACF Legality

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With the Gmod Clan Meta using ACF heavily now, a BIG problem would occur within the meta.

Fighting fairly and not cheating with their ACF builds.

This would lead to constant 30 minute to 1 hour arguments over the legality of a tank build. People constantly arguing "no this is legal", "no this is not legal", "no this is MINMAX", etc.

As an attempt to solve this ACF Legaltiy problem clans would start to draft rule sets to fight fairly.

The ones I am aware of are:

  • FDV (old)
  • GFR (somewhat actie)
  • MF (idk)
  • MIRA (new. scanty coping ruleset i think)

Eventually the arguments would die down a bit as people would (finally) start to focus more on building better vehicles and fighting.