Nationalist Polizian Federation

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Nationalist Polizian Federation
Full Name
Nationalist Polizian Federation
Nationalist Dictatorship
Years Active
Heads of State
Biographical Information
Garry's Mod
Sandbox/Lesser Meta

The Nationalist Polizian Federation split off from USP on May 30th 2023 after an independence war. NPF is lead and run by Finnik. Finnik split off from USP because of rebranding and a distaste for the worsening conditions in USP. NPF today serves to protect claimed servers and help it's allies while remaining independent.

Battles[edit | edit source]

Independence war (NPF-USP)[edit | edit source]

The Nationalist Polizian Federation is a split off group formed by Finnik on May 30th 2023. NPF was formed after Scanty had tried rebranding to "Denerzeria" which quickly prompted an independence war between the two nations.

Soon after the war began Finnik encountered PxelPrfect, this would soon lead to an friendship and alliance between the two. The newly formed alliance between would benefit NPF greatly in many ways such as access to other clans which would lead to more alliances and more fighters. Finnik would encounter Zan soon after which lead to another alliance.

STAMP, TNW and NPF would go on to form a pact which would solidify the alliance between the three against United Socialists of Polizia [USP]. USP would go on to fight NPF a few times although most battles it was unclear who won apart from three battles which were won by k/d or admin abuse/cheating. In the end USP and NPF would sign Treaty of Volsnyc. which stated that USP recognized NPF's independence, thus ending the conflict. NPF ultimately won the independent war and successfully earned it's independence.

Furry uprising on Battlebox (NPF-RVA)[edit | edit source]

On the 27th of June the leader of the Rito Village alliance [RVA], Revali would declare war in TNW and its allies for no apparent reason other than to spark conflict. Soon after NPF would declare war against RVA and join in the fight against Revali and the Furry uprising as a whole.

STAMP started helping RVA after it was brought into STAMP as a puppet state, this would sour relations between STAMP and NPF for some time. There were numerous battles between NPF and RVA which most if not all battles were won by NPF and TNW. On the 30th of June the finale battle would start in the early hours of the night.

The battle would rage on for a couple of hours and would result in an NPF/TNW/KGP victory via k/d. Revali and Zan tried using the excuse that "flatgrass was unfair because you can spawnkill" to try and invalidate the victory. but this was bullshit due the fact that Revali wouldn't stop hiding on other maps. Revali would then flee Battlebox never to return.

OMA-NPF "War"[edit | edit source]

OMA Pussycube
OMA Pussycube

First battle[edit | edit source]

Sometime in late July a clan known as One Man Army "OMA" appeared on battlebox seemingly out of nowhere. OMA immediately declared war on TNW and its allies forcing NPF into the war, though NPF hadn't officially declared war.

On July 31st of 2023 Last Emperor (leader of OMA) pulled up on Battlebox unexpectedly and began fighting TNW members, prompting a response by TNW and igniting a battle that would rage on for an hour and a half. OMA forces would hide around corners and snipe with snipers from afar for most of the battle.

Around an hour in the OMA leader began hiding and was found shortly after hiding in a pussy cube and began arguing over discord about k/d. After 20 minutes of fighting, it was decided by most that TNW had won by k/d thanks to Finnik.

Second Scantinian War (9/5/2023 - March 2024)[edit | edit source]

The Second Orvechian war was a conflict between NPF (Nationalist Polizian Federation) and ORV (Orvechia). The conflict was started after Snackrat lied about Finnik doxxing his members to stay (which never happened), Even after said member testified against the claims. The war spanned several servers and numerous clans.

Initial Conflict (9/5/2023)[edit | edit source]

During Finnik's birthday Orvechia would pull up on Battlebox unannounced (and uninvited) to supposedly fight NPF members.

NPF members on the server sprang into action and engaged them. The fight would consist of Snackrat abusing wire and Finnik being forced to flakspam because of wire abuse. 20 minutes later Snackrat would disconnect in defeat and the fight would end in NPF victory.

Battlebox raid (9/8/2023)[edit | edit source]

While on the server, ORV members bad_acid and The Average Nationalist would join unexpectedly while NPF members messed about on Battlebox. This started another battle as NPF engaged enemy forces. NPF members arrived in T90 simfphys tanks and began their assault.

ORV members prop-pushed and wirejailed and even attempted (though awfully) to crash the server instead of fighting in tanks like everyone else. After some time eventually NPF members got on the ground and engaged starting the second part of the battle. Orvechian forces would continue to wirejail even after NPF forces got on the ground forcing admins to come on and ban The Average Nationalist near the end of the fight.

NPF forces would fight Orvechia on the ground for half an hour until Nationalist got banned for Wire Abuse and prop-pushing, which afterwards some NPF forces left the server as the threat diminished. bad_acid would continue to beg for NPF forces to stop killing him despite being ORV. eventually acid left and the battle was won by NPF via k/d.

RSB - NPF War[edit | edit source]

the NPF - RSB was a conflict between the Jordistan coalition and RSB that started over Dionix exporting tech to KATO on battlebox. despite Dionix stating he was neutral. Dionix was eventually banned from Battlebox and the war would be taken to AA's Hole. where Dionix would continue to lose ground.

Battlebox skirmish[edit | edit source]

Sometime in late August TNW and NPF forces joined battlebox to mess around when Dionix began minging. Eventually Dionix came to spawn where TNW and NPF forces would engage him. The fight would last 20 minutes and consisted of Dionix getting his ass beat and then running to his base in the apartment by spawn.

NPF Reentrance to the war (9/16/2023)[edit | edit source]

JRDS claims AA's Hole
JRDS claims AA's Hole

NPF would rejoin the war on the 16th of September after some time of neutrality. Finnik would join AA's Hole after hearing about the wireabuse, explosive shotgun spam and votekick abuse from Pxel.

Sometime in the evening JRDS would pull up on AA's Hole alongside NPF and engaged RSB forces on the server. Dionix would begin complaining to Finnik about JRDS trying to take AA's Hole despite Finnik siding with JRDS.

JRDS and NPF would engage RSB forces eventually forcing them into an underground section of the map. Where then eventually even the underground would be raided. The fight would last 2 hours and JRDS was the victor via K/D and all RSB forces leaving.

AA's Hole raid (9/17/2023)[edit | edit source]

JRDS forces gather after the fight
JRDS forces gather after the fight

JRDS and NPF forces were doing a patrol on AA's Hole when RSB forces began to connect to the server, igniting another battle. NPF and JRDS forces began to pour into the server en mass while Dionix struggled to get more child soldiers into the server.

RSB would immediately begin abusing wire forcing NPF and JRDS to use TEHE Build, which RSB would then complain about. NPF and JRDS forces managed to eventually contain RSB forces to spawn where the fight would peak and where RSB would take the most loses eventually causing RSB child soldier to leave one by one.

Eventually Dionix would hide dead and the fight would cool down. JRDS and NPF won via K/D.

2024 Polizia[edit | edit source]

The turn of the New Year would prove to be even better than the last for Polizia. After the return of the Valtionpäämies, Polizia began the production of ACF which has been steadily getting better and better overtime. Polizia has also had a government revamp which introduced several changes that have helped to make the government more efficient.

NPF took control of the Commonwealth Coalition after Larry decided it was too much for him to handle, NPF has been leading the Alliance since and has seen success. In recent times Polizia has also joined the Föyers-Sihü Concord and helped form the Föyers Multinational Territorial Committee [FTMC]. As of writing this Polizia now is entering a golden age which has been both peaceful and prosperous.

Third Scantinian War[edit | edit source]

On April 13th 2024 Operation "Snowy April" officially began after CSR started to enforce it's "Rasheskaba" Policy. Polizian, Yakugarian, Scoutinian, Halivian, Andosian, Kenerian, Denersian, Commonwealth Coalition and IAS forces all took part in the initial raid which spanned multiple servers. The intial raid was a complete success with all Scantinian force(s)? (one man clan) being forced to retreat after a long duration of fighting. 75 - 80% of CSR's territories were lost despite him trying to invalidate it because he "Wasn't there".

Operation "Stoned" and the Yakugirian raid on NZVP[edit | edit source]

Initially Scantinian forces swarmed NZVP after realizing Yakugirian forces were present. CSR forces (Why am I making it plural it was just scanty). Scanty was then immediately stoned to death on NZVP by Yakugirian and Scoutinian forces until he left and forfeit the server to Yakugirian forces.

Dylan's raid[edit | edit source]

Soon after Scanty pulled out of NZVP he realized the total scale of the assault and immediately pulled out to Dylan's to thwart Polizian forces. Part of Team 2 was on Dylan's at the time and immediately prepared for the worst, although were pleasantly surprised to see scanty die constantly due to his lack of members and shoddy aim.

The fighting lasted around an hour and saw scanty abuse wiremod explosives and cry about HL2 rpgs being "cheating" after one members used it a few times he began the wire abuse right after. Due to the wirespam everyone had negative K/D (except scanty because he had one the entire time) and resorted to whoever left first (which the server crashed so we won by our sheer number of kills).

After this fight scanty made a GC and coped for 20 minutes because he lost to Polizians singing skibidi toilet while murdering him.

Jamokese war + DRS - Jamokese civil war[edit | edit source]

This will detail the conflict between Jamoke and NPF after Polizia entered the war rather than the very beginning with the IDU - Jamoke conflict.

NPF - Jamokese War[edit | edit source]

On May 18th 2024 Jamoke was on Koupii while Finnik was helping Scanty wire up his tank late at night. Finnik had been working on getting it moving properly for a decent chunk of time when Jamoke out of nowhere flew into the tank and started looking around. After Finnik told him to stop twice he kicked him from the server on the basis of rulebreak and that was that.

A little while later (and I mean a little) Jamoke follows minutes after leaving Koupii to mess with the tank on the slightly more stable server of noob. As soon as Jamoke loaded in he instantly flew inside the tank with the camera and began taking pictures while gloating about it. Finnik called him a Mexican just to tick him off for fun and Jamoke instantly lost it, thus beginning the Jamokese - Polizian war.

The noob war was mostly just back in fourth insults eventually ending with Jamoke being sent to the Mexican rehab room and leaving a short time after.

All battles after that were mostly short skirmishes, all won by Denersian and Polizian forces.

DRS - Jamokese civil war[edit | edit source]

The DRS - Jamokese civil war also known as the Embassy split was a short day and a half long conflict ending in Jamoke leaving Gmod after getting some rather embarrassing DMs leaked leading to a DRS victory. DRS was backed by NPF and CSR who defended Larry and helped him split from Jamoke after he started being scummy towards larry.

NPF - TF-27 WAR[edit | edit source]

Basically they fought us like two times on Engineering and died brutally because they can't build for shit

NPF-TMC WAR[edit | edit source]

TMC was a clan that originated on TNS as a loose group of children but didn't really take a centralized form until July of 2024.

Pre-Centralization[edit | edit source]

TMC-NPF hostilities pre-centralization was mostly due to Polizian ties to ETF. Polizian forces would help ETF defeat TMC on several occasions leading to numerous ETF/NPF victories.

BATTLE OF NOOB[edit | edit source]

On July 18th TMC forces were spotted on Noob prompting Finnik along with other ETF members to hop on. TMC then immediately began to abuse worshop pubdupes, lag the server and use workshop lag dupes. Despite this this still got absolutely served all having a negative K/D

Later they rejoined again but hid in a building and left after getting killed a few times.

TMC DISBANDS[edit | edit source]

Manin announces the dissolution of TMC in a GC
Manin announces the dissolution of TMC in a GC

On the 23rd of July 2024 Manin announced officially that TMC had disbanded following the departure of A-deer. He disbanded, likely because he left. This marks the end of the NPF-TMC war.

Fourth Scantinian "War"[edit | edit source]

On the first day of August Faisal and Finnik were messing around with ammobombs when Scanty and his member Bukavac joined.

Scanty spawned in a new joint project tank him and Buka were working on when a minute kater it was accidentally blown up, however he (obviously) made no progress and had it saved. Seeing this Faisal and Finnik decided to troll him by doing it again and firing green smoke calling his tank "gassy".

Scanty had a massive freakout over this causing him to crash Koupii and send animal gore to Finnik (he's an adult acting like this over a pixel game by the way). Soon after he tried to get Finnik kicked out of multiple places after both had "apologized" prompting the fourth war

The Nothing War[edit | edit source]

Scanty would refuse to fight multiple times even trying to hide on Foreverwar where he got absolutely served by IZK. He would go on to start multiple comment wars where he would usually just get bulled until he wouldn't respond. As of writing this he still refuses to fight and now is building illegal tanks to try and keep up.

The Nationalist State of Western Pruvoslavia and Defection of Corporal[edit | edit source]

Flag Concept
Flag Concept

On August 10th Corporal officially left UPSR after talking with Finnik and realizing how mentally ill scanty was. Scanty would soon press him on the fact he had an unknown tag and had left the groupchat, only to be met with the news that he had defected to Polizia and created a new state backed by Polizia.

Scanty would go into an unhinged rant about how Finnik was evil and that he would completely "dissect Polizia piece by piece" before eventually blocking Corporal. This new state would be called the "Nationalist State of Western Pruvoslavia" which was completely backed by Polizia, receiving Polizian tanks while also creating their own.

The 40 Minute War[edit | edit source]

On August 19th 2024 a clan known as the "Republic of Akalatia" would declare war on NPF and join noob sandbox attempting to jump NPF members. The fight would last 44-ish minutes and end in an NPF victory via both K/D and Surrender.

The clan would first find NPF through a public flag dupe that someone made commenting "Death to NPF, Glory to Akalatia" prompting Finnik to say "Pull up" as a joke and completely forgetting about the situation. The clan would then soon actually join and fight the 5 or so NPF members that were chilling on at the time, seeing as it was a microclan no backup was called.

The fight would last 44-45 Minutes would Akalatia getting only 23 kills (mostly by pulse ball spam) and would eventually fold and surrender leading to an NPF victory. Seeing as the Akalatian leader was both chill and actually fought, Both agreed to a ceasefire and some kind of military alliance.

Foreign Relations[edit | edit source]

Name Tag Status
The Nuclear Warheads TNW Ally
CommonWealth Coalition CWC Head of Alliance
Scoutinian Republic SR Ally/Merger State
Islamic Army of Sandbox IAS Ally
Bad Fucking Clan {bfc} Ally
Divine Azure Legion DAL Neutral
Mavoria MVR Ally
Keneria of Great Power KGP Ally
Republic States of Battlebox RSB Negative
Imperial Prussian Resistance Front IPRF Ally
Halivia HAF Home of Judaism
Andosian National Republic ANR Neutral
Imperial Prussian Resistance Front IPRF Ally
Independent Denersian Union IDU Ally
Imperial Alliance IA Ally
One Man Army OMA Enemy
Crewment Association Clan CASC Ally
Union of Pruvoslav Socialist Republics UPSR Totalen Krieg
Democratic Republic of Skossia DRS Ally
Yakugirian Socialist Republic YSR Neutral
Crewment Allied Defense Pact CADP In Pact
The Manin Crew TMC Defunct

Territory[edit | edit source]

Name Claim Opponents
Koupii Capital None
Battlebox Territory None
Noobius Important Territory None
Paradox Sandbox Important Territory None
Universe Sandbox (not the game) Territory None
Super Garry's Mod Server Remote Colony None
Forever War Constant Warzone Everyone
Zoltins DNC for this server Playerbase
Aluminum Sandbox Important Territory None
UnityGaming Territory None
gBox Colony Playerbase
OMA Pussycube Colony OMA
AA's Hole Colony RSB
Atomic Sandbox Colony CSR
Vanlock Territory None
JAGMS Territory RSB
G-ROOM Colony None
Oasis Sandbox Colony None
Meridian Sandbox Colony None

Miscellaneous battles[edit | edit source]

Dionix tank 5v1[edit | edit source]

On July 25th Finnik hopped on the server and began bullying a kid named Dionix. He began midhealing and coping about flak usage after said midhealing. Finnik procced to call him a "kike fag" to piss him off, successfully doing so. Dionix proceeded to call King Arthur on to complain and get Finnik banned however was unsuccessful. Instead Finnik got a day long mute which was unexpectedly removed early for an unknown reason. Dionix proceeded to cope that Finnik hadn't been banned and began riling an army of children against him. Dionix and the child army began using tanks and gaining up on Finnik while trying to teach another NPF member how to properly tank fight, igniting a conflict. Finnik and Dizzy began fighting the growing number of children in simfphys tanks. Soon after, Dizzy had to go and it was just Finnik against the Dionix Child army. At first Finnik began being consistently taken out but shortly he began taking out 1-2 tanks before being taken out himself. Soon more of Dionix's child army began leaving and it turned into a 1v1, which was won by Finnik.

Links[edit | edit source]

Clan YouTube