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Pruvoslav Union

Flag of Pruvoslavia
Full Name
Union of Pruvoslav Socialist Republics
Communist Ethnostate
Years Active
2022 - Present
Geographical Information
Garry's Mod
Iso-Sandbox Region
People, Ranks and Relations
Heads of State
Premier Striver
Military Branches
Pruvoslavian People's Army

Note[edit | edit source]

Information on Pruvoslavia is limited to bare essentials as the nation does not recognize itself as an official part of the Faction Meta. This page is dedicated to the group's history and all relevant information regarding their activities in the meta in the instances which they do occur.

Information[edit | edit source]

The Union of Pruvoslav Socialist Republics [UPSR] is a nation in Garry's Mod based on the fictional country of Pruvoslavia, a union of provinces situated in the land region known as Krasnia.

According to lore, the country consists predominantly of ethnic Prussians and Slavs (essentially anyone with ethnic ties to the real world areas of Central and Eastern Europe). Their society is extremely xenophobic and has limited trust in other nations due to years of sporadic conflict and betrayal of the Pruvoslav people by their neighbors. They are known to viciously and ruthlessly attack anyone who disturbs them or threatens their domestic interests.

The Pruvoslav soldiers live by a doctrine of fearlessly and aggressively attacking their enemy without relenting, to the point where they have been likened to Murder Hornets. They have been trained to ignore KD entirely, and believe that the only valid victory is one in which they successfully force their enemies to leave territories which they invade. Their most popular taunt against enemies is "You will run out of bullets before we run out of men".

History[edit | edit source]

UPSR began life as a microclan on Super Garry's Mod Server under the goal of uniting other Super Clans together in an Alliance. When this plan failed, the host nation which became the Coalition became untrusting of outsiders and would be extremely State-Centered henceforth.

The Coalition's demeanor earned it a largely negative reputation from the meta which would last the better part of 2 Years. Eventually the Coalition morphed into the Commonwealth of Server Republics [CSR] and colonized an impressive 2 and a half Dozen sandbox servers. It is also argued that CSR possessed as many as 3 Dozen at its peak. However, unrest and a shaky political system would lead to the nation's collapse. This would force the nation to identify itself as Pruvoslavia and embrace Marxist ideologies through the Centralization of the Economy, Government and Military.

Politics[edit | edit source]

Pruvoslavia is led by the Premiership, consisting of the Premier and Vice Premier. The country has its own Politburo and Communist Party who vet and approve decisions made by the leader. The Nation's entire economy, from industry to resource collection, are all centrally planned and controlled by the Communist Party on behalf of the Premiership to allow for more efficient and controlled industrial outputs.

Modern Conflicts[edit | edit source]

The Year of Hell (March 2023 - Present Year)[edit | edit source]

The Year of Hell was the name given to an ongoing struggle between Pruvoslavia and its blood enemy, Denersia.

It is not one conflict, but a series of recurring conflicts between the two nations due to ideological differences and bitter hatred shared by their leaders. Both groups have tried desperately to one-up each other with technological advances in a competition for dominance.

Despite constant drawbacks, Pruvoslavia has objectively demonstrated its superiority on numerous occasions. This is due to the fact that the Denersians' most common tactic is to either not show up to fight, run away from the battle zone, or use illegal technology to compensate for their inferior technology despite having outsourced the vast majority of their builds.

The Denersian soldiers have been known to ruthlessly harass, gaslight, spam, doxx, threaten and witch hunt Pruvoslavians, which has made the Denersians among the most hated group in Meta history due to their obnoxious and highly illegal behavior. Pruvoslavia has successfully managed to ally with at least thirteen different factions, most of which hate and despise each other, but have set aside their differences temporarily to extinguish the Denersian threat.

Links[edit | edit source]

Steam Group