Commonwealth of Servers

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Flag of the CSR
Full Name
Commonwealth of Server Republics
Democratic-Socialist Republic
Years Active
Geographical Information
Garry's Mod
Sandbox Region
Calamity Sandbox, Napalm Valley, 85th Avenue
People, Ranks and Relations
Heads of State
Sinister Grin / SinfullyScanty
Military Branches
Continental Armed Forces

Introduction[edit | edit source]

The Commonwealth of Server Republics, also simply called the Commonwealth or [CSR], is a powerful and expansive Nation within Garry's Mod. Its primary mission is to unite as many Sandbox Servers as possible in the name of peace and solidarity.

The CSR dreams of a civilized and industrialized society free of Factions, Conformism, or Adversity.

It behaves in stark contrast to most Factions in the Meta, due to its inherent non-warlike behavior. The CSR will primarily attack in self defense, or in defense of its allies. But when provoked, it strikes with furious rage and reckless abandon.

The CSR's No-Surrender Policy has spared it from bending to the will of exploitative enemies, and has resulted in every major war against the CSR by an enemy being a failure or ending in stalemate, in unison with its stubborn hordelike safety-in-numbers mentality and the sheer unlikelihood of being able to successfully capture its entire territorial annex.

Collapse[edit | edit source]

CSR's plans were highly ambitious and they lacked the political power to maintain colonial control over its many territories due to constant civil unrest and admin abuse, and their extremely controversial territorial claims often brought them into near constant conflict. As a result, the CSR was peacefully dissolved to form the Pruvoslav Union.

Everything beyond this point is history and is kept for reference. [also i aint gonna have proper links for this page cuz fuck that lol]

Territory[edit | edit source]

CSR is currently the largest Garry's Mod Faction in history.

It achieved this status as a result of Mass Territorial Expansion during the Year of Hell smashing ISA's previous record of 25 Claims.

CSR currently controls 30 Sandbox Servers and has 3 Military Bases.

Name Status Activity Opponents Region
Calamity Sandbox Core Server, Capitol Average None U.S.
Napalm Valley Core Server Average None U.S.
85th Avenue Core Server Average None U.S.
The Cornfields Contaminated Area 3 progs and a skoog Nuclear Fallout hamburger
Super Garry's Mod Server Territorial High None U.S.
Atomic Sandbox Territorial Average None U.S. / Australia / South America / Europe
Gbox Territorial Average None U.S.
Libby's Sandbox Territorial High None U.S.
ArGMod Territorial Average None South America
Meridian Territorial Average None U.S.
Oasis Sandbox Territorial Low None U.S.
Typical Sandbox Territorial Average None U.S.
Dylan's Sandbox Territorial Average None U.S.
Zoltin's Sandbox Territorial High IDU-Backed Separatists Europe
Classic Sandbox Territorial Low None U.S.
That One Build Server Territorial Low None U.S.
Forever War Military Base Average Several U.S.
Theater of Operations Military Base Average None U.S.
Koupii Military Base Average None Canada

Moderated By Sissies:

  • Mobius
  • Zoltin's

History[edit | edit source]

CSR-Monolith War[edit | edit source]

The Coalition waged war against Scanty alongside the Monolith until an internal struggle turned both sides against each other. The Coalition then agreed to become allies with Scanty and defeated the Monolith. Scanty henceforth became the leader of The Coalition.

After tensions with the Monolith resurfaced, the Anti-Cringe Association became involved and terrorized both groups off the server. But the Coalition survived and grew into what would be the groundwork for the formation of The Commonwealth.

CSR-TTN War[edit | edit source]

The Commonwealth sought an alliance with TTN, but it was later discovered that peaceful relations with TTN would be impossible, so the two groups went to war.

For approximately three weeks, the Commonwealth waged an unconventional war against TTN while they used abusive ACF technology which the CSR adapted to by driving no-collided vehicles to bypass TTN's defenses.

The CSR also used aerial bombardment dupes to severely inconvenience TTN. The fighting became repetitive and tiresome until the Faction Meta caught on to TTN's foul play and a large contingent of factions leveled the server. Facing no further resistance, The CSR declared victory.

CSR-ACA War[edit | edit source]

The Commonwealth formed a temporary alliance with the Anti-Cringe Association which was broken when a misunderstanding between Scanty and Scooty led to a war between the two groups. Due to internal issues, the Commonwealth retreated to Minecraft, where the more hellish and better known part of the war took place.

Admins within the Astrovania Minecraft server littered the entire spawn area with Care Packages in the form of Shulker Boxes containing OP Items. ACA siezed these boxes and fought against the admins in a variety of areas, including spawn and an acacia village near the capital city.

There was plenty of foul play on both sides, but seeing the need to make combat easier for both sides, ACA members were teleported by Scanty so that they could fight, and ACA mistook this as admin abuse, prompting them to use hack clients which resulted in them being banned from the server.

The Commonwealth agreed to have an honest Final Battle in a specially constructed arena, but before the battle took place, one of the admins smuggled a Command Block to a person suspected to be a member of the Orzel Federation and utterly demolished the Capital. The War ended as a stalemate since no definitive victor could be drawn.

CSR-Orzel War[edit | edit source]

After the Command Block incident in Astrovania, the Commonwealth hastily returned to Garry's Mod filled with rage over the loss of their Capital. A member of the Orzel Federation took credit for the attack, which prompted the Commonwealth to declare war on Orzel. Unbeknownst to the Commonwealth, one of their own Senior Officials was responsible for smuggling the Command Block to the enemy, this person being Soundwavetherodent, who was subsequently banned from the group after defecting to ACA and was excommunicated by Scanty's friends.

The Commonwealth sought the aid of STAMP, who offered to help construct an ACF tank for them to use against Orzel, but the enemy learned of the CSR-STAMP alliance and intervened. As a purely defensive act, STAMP terminated their alliance, completely demolishing Scanty's opinion of furries from that point on.

ACA agreed to settle the war in a tank duel using tanks provided by Orzel. The battle ended the entire conflict and allowed the Commonwealth to continue improving itself.

CSR-CSI War[edit | edit source]

Months after the Orzel War, Scanty made friends with Noahplayzgaming, who had just returned after a several month long hiatus from Garry's Mod. Scanty and Noah agreed to merge their clans together, which attracted the attention of CSI. A brief war ensued between them which led to CSI being forcefully removed from the Commonwealth home server.

FGC Annexation War[edit | edit source]

Stronger than it had ever been before, and desperate to prove itself, the Commonwealth decided to chime in on a recent hate riot against CSI by invading FGC, a server rumored to be controlled by CSI. However the hate riot had ended, and the Commonwealth unwittingly aggravated the natives, ruining their ability to secure a foothold in the server. The main belligerent ended up being IFM, who used bizarre and incomprehensibly powerful Vanilla dupes which the Commonwealth were unable to counter, forcing them to retreat back to their home server.

Battle for Cracker Barrel[edit | edit source]

With CSI and IFM in hot pursuit, planning to stage a Counteroffensive on their home server, The Commonwealth decided to give them a taste of their own medicine by using some technology of their own, engaging in a Veitnam-style Guerilla War which resulted in CSI and IFM being bombed and wirejailed off the server.

CSR-TNW War[edit | edit source]

The Commonwealth took notice of an ongoing war between TTN and a new clan known as TNW. The CSR tried to stay neutral but ultimately viewed TNW as a greater threat to the stability of the Faction Meta. This caused The Commonwealth to sign a temporary truce with TTN.

Despite having been leveled by The Commonwealth and TTN, TNW continued to gain an unprecedented amount of support from the Faction Meta, which complicated the war. Despite this, on numerous occasions, TNW would either flee spawn or refuse to show up when The Commonwealth attacked their home server of Battlebox, forcing The CSR to contend with their allies.

Independence Wars[edit | edit source]

The Commonwealth encountered another era of internal instability leading to Noah seceding and declaring war. Noah's new faction, NPF, would work side-by-side with TNW using similar tactics used by the Commonwealth against CSI and IFM in the Cracker Barrel War. Despite The Commonwealth's many attempts to establish a fair combat doctrine, NPF and TNW continued recklessly ignoring all attempts at diplomacy, continuing to use harsh and abusive technology and foolishly proclaiming their own innocence.

After many months of back and forth dogfighting, Noah was exposed for doxxing one of his members and was shamed after getting grounded when his own misdeeds caught up with him. This ruined Noah's image and allowed TNW and The CSR to sign a truce, thus ending the war.

CON Incident[edit | edit source]

The CSR Leader was called to a diplomatic meeting with the Conscripts [CON], a small faction from Atomic Sandbox. Upon arriving, he was largely ignored, and when he offered an alliance with CON, they refused. In response, CSR flooded the server and fired upon CON, demolishing them. After a short battle, all CSR members were unfairly banned by an abusive admin. Sadly, no footage was recorded.

Second CSR-TTN Conflict[edit | edit source]

On NZVP, two TTN soldiers were caught in a fortress and scouted by CSR during an annexation.

On Epic Sandbox, a TTN member interrupted a Training Exercise and was caught crashing the server. In retaliation, CSR forces crashed ThatSandboxServer as a warning to TTN.

A day later, reports of TTN vandalizing Epic Sandbox were heard, and a week or two later, CSR would do the same in an operation done alongside GPK to try to subtly farm TSS players for kills. A screenshot was taken of CSR planting their flag in ThatSandboxServer after clearing out a TTN spawn zone. Afterwards, all TTN adjacent people left the server.

When they returned, they would start to use very suspicious tactics. In one instance, a TTN member peeked around a corner and managed to kill a CSR member instantly, but sadly this instance was not recorded. Due to TTN cheating, CSR disregarded their KD and declared victory, but the footage was not worthy of a video.

The following day, CSR would join again, once again farming TTN adjacent younglings for kills in their own server. Once TTN realized what was going on, CSR already had a far superior KD and was taking advantage of the new propflying system to evade the enraged TTN members. They noticed that CSR was using a Public E2 ESP dupe, which led one of their members to use the same one, and still they were unable to catch up to CSR. The entire incident was recorded on YouTube.

Retaking the Motherland[edit | edit source]

It was decreed that in the interest of morale, CFC Build/Kill would be retaken by CSR, as it was the server the Central Army of the Commonwealth had originated from during the National Assault Legion. After trolling a few moderators, CSR planted their flag on the server, fully re-establishing it as their territory once again.

Contact with Extra-Terrestrials[edit | edit source]

Alien Arachnid in Containment
Alien Arachnid in Containment

An Unknown alien lifeform found itself on Epic Sandbox, presumably with the intent of laying eggs in people's corpses. Until its intentions could be determined, and a biological study could be conducted, the creature was kept in containment in a secure Anomalous Science facility in an undisclosed location.

When CSR Scientists attempted to study the creature, it desperately attempted to escape, and the Site Director had to coax it with fast food to bring it back on many occasions. The creature was then transported to a High Security area, surrounded by forcefields and monitoring equipment, but somehow it got ahold of an explosive device and destroyed itself, injuring a couple Scientists.

The Commonwealth remains on high alert for other sightings of Extra Terrestrial Lifeforms.

CSR-IDU War[edit | edit source]

Over the course of nearly a year, The Commonwealth had been in nearly continuous conflict with TNW, which later renamed itself to The Independent Denersian Union [IDU]. Its most recent war, the Hell Weeks, began when IDU showed hostility toward CSR on Battlebox, when the group was a subservient member state of the Yakugirian Socialist Republic [YSR].

Over the course of their many skirmishes against one another, CSR was able to easily demolish IDU via K/D, despite the many excuses made by their leader, Jordi (A.K.A. PxelPerfect). Eventually, CSR was impulsively banned from Battlebox, forcing CSR to confine IDU in their home server in much the same way as they had with TTN. However, IDU began to inhabit Noob Sandbox, and had been granted Admin Privileges, which, to no surprise, he abused. Luckily, after providing the owner with evidence of Admin Abuse, Jordi's admin was revoked, and his grip over Noob weakened.

In the battles following this incident, Jordi would use poorly constructed ACF technology that had allegedly been outsourced by IZK, and his minor flunkies would use an oversized mech dupe to spawnkill CSR forces in one battle. In each incident they claimed "victory" by KD despite this being an obvious fallacy. To cope with this, Jordi would also send flunkies to crash Calamity, and CSR would retaliate by crashing Noob in response, which led to Jordi falsely claiming that CSR was crashing Noob for no reason.

Jordi would eventually receive a long overdue pounding when IWC and their allies would proceed to level him in his own server, forcing him to leave and admit a shameful defeat.

After the admin of Noob was exposed for dupe stealing, Jordi was forced to abandon the server, attempting to set up camp on Forever War. Whilst there, a small alliance named CWC was formed, with the goal of "liberating the sandbox region" from CSR. In every attempt to seize territory, they failed, and when confronted on CFC, they were absolutely pounded, with jordi suffering such a bad KD that he had to leave and rejoin to reset it, claiming that this was acceptable because it was an "anarchy war". After this, enemy forces were admin abused by a local CFC moderator and forced to flee the server.

The War Continues...

The Addon Purge[edit | edit source]

In the beginning days of 2024, Scanty attempted to download LVS Tanks for Calamity Sandbox, and accidentally wiped his addons, having to rely on his Workshop Collections to restore them. The lack of a need to replace them caused Scanty to briefly lose interest in Garry's Mod for a few weeks, but the Revolutionary Spirit of his former members brought CSR back to life again. CSR now exists in a Semi-Active Semi-Retired state attempting to copy the success of its Predecessor, The National Assault Legion, and reclaim its lost territories and soldats.

CSR-GPK Hostilities[edit | edit source]

The CSR was impulsively kicked out of the Pantheon, the community that had been assisting CSR in the IDU War for varying reasons, with the leader of GPK accusing CSR of being Communist and disregarding CSR's role in the war, despite having been the ones starting the war in the first place. This prompted The CSR to respond with a declaration of war, and both CSR and GPK were allotted a span of Two Weeks to make the necessary preparations. However, on the day of the battle, GPK surrendered due to IRL complications.

Rasshireniye[edit | edit source]

Concerned by the likelihood of a Generation Alpha / Skibidi Toilet Invasion, CSR declared that they would annex as many territories as possible to purge Gen Alpha Conformists and to liberate the Sandbox Region from the yoke of autistic prepubescents.

CSR-CWC War[edit | edit source]

A small alliance under the control of AgentVillager/Larry called "CommonWealth Coalition" declared war on the CSR, attempting to liberate the Sandbox Region from the Commonwealth. What resulted was claims made during points of CSR inactivity that were not formally internationally recognized, and one skirmish on CFC where enemy forces lost via K/D, and proceeded to cheat using abusive wiremod. This conflict continued until a new leader was appointed for the CWC, and a Peace Treaty was negotiated. CWC agreed to relinquish their territorial claims, and as compensation, CSR ceded Aluminum to Larry.

Third CSR-TTN Conflict[edit | edit source]

One day in November of 2023, a fortress bearing a TTN Flag was spotted on NZVP during a scouting run. Seeing this as an attempt at TTN expansionism, CSR temporarily claimed the server as their own territory. A few days later, a TTN member joined Calamity Sandbox during a CSR Training Exercise, and began attacking CSR officials, who responded with greater firepower. In response, TTN member crashed Calamity. CSR responded in kind by crashing ThatSandboxServer by spamming inappropriate dupes.

At one point, DAL forces were assisting in training the developing CSR Militia, and President Grin allowed Grey515 full control of training operations. During this, a former NAL Soldier, HolyCrusader/TheAverageCommunist/TheAverageNationalist was refusing to comply with Grey's orders, and was jokingly crucified as a demonstration to the other members of the military. Nationalist immediately tried prop spamming to crash the server, and was permabanned by Grin. By some coincidence, a surprise TTN invasion occurred and ended while Grin was busy with IRL chores. By a streak of luck, Grey515 managed to hold off the entire invasion singlehandedly, dominating TTN by KD with some support from CSR forces.

Days later, TTN forces joined Calamity during CSR Off-Hours and spammed their flag all over spawn. CSR pushed back yet again launching an operation to annex ThatSandboxServer backed by some member nations of ORDOS. TTN responded by using aimbots, which they of course denied. Not long after, a singular CSR member joined ThatSandboxServer, and surprisingly amassed a superior KD to TTN with the use of M9K weapons, propflying, and an E2 ESP dupe that was used to track Jordi during battles where he would run away. This humiliating defeat for TTN marked the end of military activities between TTN and CSR and complete silence between both parties.

Meanwhile, CSR enacted a policy of encirclement which centered around taking all TTN territories specifically excluding ThatSandboxServer, which was made to starve TTN to extinction. This further hammered TTN's morale, and the final nail in the coffin was placed when the TTN Leader, Gopnik, was exposed for grooming a minor on his server and banning people who spoke out. After this war, NZVP and other territories taken from TTN were deemed useless by the Commonwealth Central Government, and were later ceded to Yakugiria, who also deemed them useless and abandoned the server as well.

CSR's actions ultimately crippled TTN, until they delivered their own final death blow to themselves. This effectively means CSR destroyed TTN, their long time nemesis, once and for all.

The War of Fools[edit | edit source]

Not wanting anything more to do with the rapidly declining political and social climate of the Faction Meta, CSR decided to isolate itself and its territories once and for all by purging the presence of all factions within their territorial annex. This caused enormous backlash, and triggered an enormous multipronged conflict.

Backlash was first received by Halivia [HAL], a degenerate splinter group of CSI led by Milothegrand. They proclaimed that CSR's exclusion efforts were threatening, and attempted to seize all of CSR's territories to reduce their power in the meta.

Milo would resort to horrendous acts, such as manipulating the NPF leader, Noah, now named Finnik, on his side, and urging Finnik to manipulate the CSR leader. Both sides would commit their fair share of unorthodox actions in the following battles, fighting eventually became more professional as CSR's ACF production rapidly increased, ascending to a level which rivaled the other belligerents in the conflict.

CSR's tanks would not be particularly aesthetically pleasing, or realistic, but were not built to do so. They were built exclusively with a "Function Over Form" doctrine. This war would see the use of such tanks as the A-13, which while being extremely weak, was far stronger than any IDU tech at the time, and was praised for its victories against Jordi nonetheless.

A side-conflict also occurred between CSR and YSR in a struggle to control NZVP. CSR viewed NZVP as strategically worthless following the collapse of TTN, and YSR only wanted CSR to leave, so both sides agreed to abandon the server. It is now occupied mainly by occasional BWA squadrons.

The war took a turn in May of 2024 when Milo backstabbed Finnik and betrayed NPF, forcing them to ally with CSR. This crippled Milo's reputation with the greater majority of NPF's sphere of influence, effectively knocking them out of the war in the process.

Jordi attempted to re-establish his microclan yet again, continuing to flush his reputation down the toilet once more after becoming angered at the friendly relations between CSR and NPF, accusing Finnik of a litany of things. This terminated IDU's final remaining alliance, crippling them entirely, and reducing them to a wimpy hate clan that raids YouTube comments and starts Discord arguments.

The War Continues...

Present Day[edit | edit source]

The Commonwealth is experiencing rapid technological growth and territorial expansion. Its efforts to liberate itself and its servers from Faction Meta influence has nearly completed.

Foreign Relations[edit | edit source]

Name Abbreviation Relation
Halivia HAL Enemies
Independent Denersian Union IDU Enemies
Nationalist Polizian Federation NPF Allies
Izakia IZK Tense
Imperial Alliance IA Neutral
Kestrel-Austro Treaty Organization KATO Temporary Cease-Fire
Yakugirian Socialist Republic YSR Temporary Cease-Fire
CN ACF Realbuilder CARB Non-Aggression Pact

Gallery[edit | edit source]

draft flag

Links[edit | edit source]

Steam Group